Curriculum Overview

Through a variety of materials, techniques, two dimensional, and three dimensional experiences students explore the following:

¨ Art as an Awareness of Diversity and Culture:  Commonalities, differences, connections

¨ Art as Personal Reflection and Response:  Reflective thinking and application of creative principles

¨ Art as a Record of History: Art reflects and influences history

¨ Art as an Avenue for Aesthetic Awareness:  Aesthetic use of Art elements and principles

¨ Art as Development of Creativity and Problem Solving:  Analyze, evaluate and experiment

¨ Art as a Form of Communication:  Interpret meaning in Art

Students are assessed using a variety of methods that address curricular goals and essential understandings considering the following:

¨ Process

¨ Participation

¨ Product

¨ Creativity

¨ Procedures

¨ Originality